Alternatively, you can also use any 3rd party backup product that can perform a full system image backup, although that would only allow you to restore files, not programs.

The product we will be using for this is Migration Kit Pro, which allows to easily back up, and most importantly to easily restore programs, settings and files after reinstalling Windows (even if you are switching to a different Windows version!). The first step in a reinstall like this is to back up everything you’ve got – so that you can restore all of your stuff after you reset your computer. In this article, we’ll see how to do a complete backup and recovery without losing anything! How to Backup and Restore your Windows PC Traditionally, this has been a cumbersome process, and what’s worse – with traditional backups, you only get a partial recovery (user files only). In these cases, PC repair techs often recommend the “back up and restore” approach: back up the computer, reset Windows, and recover your stuff from backup. It could be a virus infection, a Windows Updates failure, or just Windows 11 / Windows 10 becoming too slow or problem-ridden for use. This kind Windows “wipe and reinstall” is a useful procedure in many cases. In this article, we will learn how to backup and restore your PC, so that you can safely reinstall Windows and do a complete system wipe and refresh – while keeping your programs, profiles, accounts, settings, documents, pictures, music, movies, favorites, and all files. How to Backup and Restore your Windows 11 (or 10) – without losing your programs and files